About Andrew

Andrew Hatlen

Andrew is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. He came to the Grief Recovery Method to better understand the grief experiences in his own life as well as to help others identify and process through loss in their own lives.

After his parents' divorce and moving to a new town, Andrew's grandmother joined the household to help watch after him. They would cook, bake, dance, go on drives, spending every weekday together. This time was integral in shaping the man Andrew would become.

Many years later, Andrew's grandmother passed after spending ninety-four years on this planet. During the service, Andrew felt like he had to be strong for others in his family and conceal his true emotions. Without fully processing the passing of his grandmother, he buried his grief deep inside.

Andrew continued living his life as best he could; however, the lingering grief experience silently impacted his relationships, business ventures, and ability to find personal happiness.

Once he began the work of Grief Recovery, Andrew could see the many masks he'd worn to hide his true feelings and the Short-Term Energy Relieving Behaviors (STERBs) he used to avoid looking honestly at his grief. Staying busy, alcohol, avoidance, anger, consumerism, and isolation were just some of the STERBs that ruled his subconscious.

After completing the Grief Recovery Method and the Grief Recovery Specialist training, Andrew has learned that grief is not something to ignore. Grief is not something meant to bury nor to be faced alone in isolation. Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind. Grief is meant to be shared with others. Grief wants to be completed.

Andrew is here for you, to hold space for your loss, and to help you complete the incomplete relationships in your life.

Andrew holds a Master's Degree in Adult Education, Psychology, and Communication from Oregon State University.